
Dr. Vani Konda, MD Talks about the Benefits of the aScope Gastro for Bedside Evaluations

What are the benefits for using the aScope™ Gastro and the portable, aBox™ 2 monitor and processing unit?

Dr. Vani Konda, MD says, “One is convenience and one is infection risk. It makes bedside evaluations pretty appealing to use something that's single-use and be able to just go and and take it. There's a lot of issues with sterilization and the equipment and moving everything in terms of the towers, the monitors, and everything to and from the procedure unit to the ICU or ER for bedside evaluations. All of that could be reduced greatly by having this portable unit, and decrease the number of people needed; decrease the amount of time it takes to get set up. [Plus] any situation where there's a high infection risk, it's nice to be able to consider the single use device.”

Learn more about the aScope Gastro: