
Dr. Jonathan Kurman Discusses How the Ambu® aScope™ 5 Broncho Compares to Reusable Bronchoscopes

Do reusable bronchoscopes perform better than their single-use counterparts? That’s been the conventional wisdom in interventional pulmonology — but new research debunks that myth.

Watch as Dr. Jonathan Kurman, an Interventional Pulmonologist, discusses his findings:

“We were surprised by the results actually and what we saw was that in every single category at least one single use flexible bronchoscope was equivalent to or superior to the gold standard reusable flexible bronchoscope. The A5 has really become my default when I'm doing endobronchial valve cases. It just makes my life as an Interventional Pulmonologist easier,” said Kurman.

Learn more about how the aScope 5 sets the standard for single-use bronchoscopes: https://www.ambuusa.com/single-use-therapeutic-diagnostic-bronchoscope